The Importance of Testing Static Equipment after Fabrication

Introduction Static equipment plays a crucial role in various industries including oil and gas, refining, chemical processing, and power generation. These equipment, such as pressure vessels, storage tanks, heat exchangers, and pipelines, are designed to handle high pressures, temperatures, and corrosive substances. To ensure their integrity and the safety of personnel and the environment, itContinue reading “The Importance of Testing Static Equipment after Fabrication”

Static Equipment Design – A Career Option For Mechanical Engineers

Static Equipment Design is considered one of the best career option for mechanical engineers. Static Equipment Design involves the use of mechanical engineering principles and knowledge to create static equipment or machinery. This can include pressure vessels, storage tanks, heat exchangers, piping systems, valves and other components of stationary industrial equipment. Static Equipment Design EngineersContinue reading “Static Equipment Design – A Career Option For Mechanical Engineers”

Design Process For a Pressure Vessel

In the field of Mechanical Engineering, Static Engineering and Rotary Engineering are regarded as significant sub-branches. Equipment’s that has no rotating or moving parts is considered Static. Temperature, pressure or any static element employed inside the equipment for separation affect the static equipment operations. The most commonly used static equipment is known as Pressure Vessel.Continue reading “Design Process For a Pressure Vessel”

Static Equipment Design & Detailed Engineering Program

Static Equipment Engineering Career The specification and selection of equipment is the responsibility of the static equipment engineer, based on requirements specified by other disciplines, including process, materials, and plant layout. These guidelines contain cost-effective recommendations for design, materials, and fabrication. The majority of mechanical equipment found in oil and gas facilities belongs to theContinue reading “Static Equipment Design & Detailed Engineering Program”

Mega Learning Event

Texvyn Technologies commencing a Mega Learning Event starting from 14th June 2021. The main aim of this event is to bring industry trending courses & on demand career programs for core engineering professionals at a highly discounted cost with no compromise of training quality. The online learning event will be live till 30th October 2021.Continue reading “Mega Learning Event”


Getting ready to join the workforce can feel like a never ending process, sometimes overwhelming. We all know that we need to build the technical skills specific for the career path we want to pursue. But do you know which career skills you need to build, required by industry or career path you pursue? DoContinue reading “TEXVYN CAREER WEBINAR SERIES”


Introduction Your college gives you the foundational knowledge & degree that helps you to be eligible & begin a career in the domain of your interest. But that’s not enough, in order to sustain in the competitive corporate industry, you need some exceptional & essential skillsets about the reasonable usage of various technologies. To make candidates wellContinue reading “PROCESS EQUIPMENT DESIGN & DETAIL ENGINEERING”


What Design Codes are Critical to Be Aware of When Designing Pressure Vessels? The purpose of using design codes is to standardize requirements and to minimize risk for designers, manufacturers, and those working with pressure vessels. As such, codes have been developed over the years using industry experience and best practices.The rules developed for theContinue reading “ABOUT PRESSURE VESSEL DESIGN & MANUFACTURING”